Fantastic people with fantastic results.

In 5 short weeks our daughter had INCREDIBLE gains in speed, strength, confidence and most notable her throwing velocity! UnLock is definitely worth the investment and I would recommend the program! From 66 MPH to 75 MPH in 5 weeks.
— Tiffany Droddy

UnLock has provided Maci with a positive training environment and the tools needed to stay injury free and on the top of her game.
— Dain Bergeron

If I want my college players, my best friends son to get better, UnLock is where I trust to send my guys. Worth every penny. LSUA is forever indebted to you guys
— Steven Adams, LSUA Head Baseball Coach

UnLock has given me an edge this offseason by putting my body in the best possible shape to enter spring training. Thank you guys for all you have done!
— Brian Metoyer, New York Mets

I want to say a huge thank you to Justin and Jolly and the rest of the UnLock staff. UnLock has really opened my eyes and showed me where sport specific training is going in the future. SPARTA technology gave me peace of mind in my direction for training. UnLock is helping athletes get their game going in the right direction without wasting time, which is key with so much competition in the sport today. I can’t wait to be back next offseason!
— Blake Trahan, Cincinnati Reds

My time at Unlock training has been truly unforgettable. Going into this summer, my plans were to move to Los Angeles to play ball. However, those plans came to a halt when I was told I couldn’t throw anymore because of a bad rotator cuff. I could not throw a baseball without hurting. My physical therapist at the time pointed me to the Unlock program and pretty much told me to trust him, it will work. After completing my physical therapy, I entered Unlock with an opened mind and ready to buy in to what the team of coaches there had for me. Upon arrival, I was immediately tested, studied, and we began to attack my deficiencies. Monday through Thursday every week we went in there and got after it! Five weeks later, I walked out of there throwing harder, lifting heavier, and feeling like the best version of myself. Oh yeah, and all that with ZERO pain. If anyone is ever on the fence about joining Unlock I 100% recommend it. Thank you to the team and family at Unlock and I will be back!
— Logan Angeron, LHP DODGE CITY CC

I want to say thank you to UnLock for allowing me to train at such great place! Justin and Jolly have been a huge help in my career as a professional baseball player. The knowledge they have about the body and how it works, complimented with the Sparta technology gives the athlete a very useful and understanding way to know how to improve themselves. Unlock is without a doubt one of the best places I have trained at and would highly recommend them to any athlete that is looking to better their career.
— Nick Thurman, Seattle Mariners